Internet of ADHD Weekly Roundup

Internet of ADHD weekly roundup: April 24, 2020

Don’t believe everything your friends post on the internet 🥖💣 | The ADHD Homestead on Instagram

Look at this beautiful sourdough loaf! I don’t have to tell you this, but I will: I failed at my first several attempts. I’ve made other artisan breads for years, but sourdough requires more pause. It requires attentiveness to multiple sensory clues. It requires patience.

In other words, it’s a great exercise for someone with ADHD, but probably not one that will go perfectly the first time or every time. And that’s perfectly okay!


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#171: It Finally Happened! | Young House Love

It feels a little weird to talk about housing choices — especially the idea of downsizing your living space — right now, but it’s worth reflecting on after all this is over.

Our family is using our home more intensively during this lockdown than we ever will. We’re all here around the clock. We’re using our home’s spaces for all our work, school, play, and relaxation needs. If ever our modest rowhouse were going to feel too small, I presume it would be now.

And yet it doesn’t. There’s room for all of us (although I did buy a pair of noise-cancelling headphones). Not only that, we can keep up with cleaning and maintenance of our space despite increased traffic and use.

A smaller house, smaller yard, and smaller mortgage can make life a heck of a lot easier. This might be a great time to reflect and go through the at-home steps in this post. Living below your means, financially and attentionally, can help you weather life’s storms with less stress. And hey, we can only hope this is the most at-home space we’ll ever need, right?

Don’t give me advice in a crisis | The ADHD Homestead

Fun fact #1: when we’re under a lot of stress, our rational brain checks out. That makes it an especially bad time to try to synthesize helpful advice and learn a whole new way of living.

Fun fact #2: Stressful times can also make our ADHD symptoms worse. Personally, I’ve had a heck of a time with my already-problematic working memory. I had trouble figuring out how to arrange six takeout containers on my dining room table the other day. Don’t even ask about anything more complicated than that!

See where I’m going with this? Nobody needs advice on how to make our days look Pinterest-worthy right now. We’re all just winging it with whatever we’ve got.

Don't worry if the solutions you create don't look Pinterest-worthy. You're doing it for you and no one else!

My annual reader survey is still going!

Have you taken my reader survey yet? If not, please do! I’d love to send you some swag as a thank-you gift and your responses help me understand what you want/need from this space 💛

Blame shifting: when someone you love puts it all on you | The ADHD Homestead

I’m sure a lot of ADHD families are cooped up with a blame shifter. I should really update this post with narration and a few more graphics, but it seems too important not to share in the meantime.

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