Brain science Marriage & Partner Relationships Social Relationships Time Management

How it really feels to be time-blind with ADHD

Our perception of time — or lack thereof — lays the foundation for our biggest struggles. As Dr. Russell Barkley explains it, ADHD “disrupts the fabric of time.” And while time feels like it should be a simple concept, ADHD’s time-blindness finds some complicated ways to hurt us. Neurotypical people may wonder, what could be […]

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ADHD & Society Social Relationships Women & ADHD

I understand basic cause and effect. My ADHD makes it look otherwise.

Sometimes — maybe more than sometimes — people with ADHD behave in ways that make no sense. Those living close to us wonder, how can we not understand? Spending money now = not having it later. Missing another deadline = getting fired from your job. Forgetting to put gas in the car = car not […]

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