If you’d asked me how I felt about an Apple Watch a few months ago, I would’ve told you I don’t judge anyone for owning one. I would judge myself for owning one, though. It’s not that I didn’t want an Apple Watch. I have ADHD and I like shiny gadgets. This particular gadget triggered […]
Tag: screen time
How I manage my ADHD and maximize productivity in front of a screen
A while back a reader wrote to ask about screen time. “It’s very difficult,” they lamented, “to single-task when I’m at a computer.” No kidding. Since I do most of my work in front of a screen — and some of it even on that god-forsaken attention-stealer social media — I know this territory well. […]
The internet: ADHD’s friend and foe
When I get overwhelmed, the internet’s the first thing to go. That’s why my social media feeds are either hopping or silent. But the the internet, huge burden and distraction that it is, can also help me on my ADHD journey. It’s complicated. On one hand, the internet — and social media in particular — […]