Don’t believe everything your friends post on the internet 🥖💣 | The ADHD Homestead on Instagram Look at this beautiful sourdough loaf! I don’t have to tell you this, but I will: I failed at my first several attempts. I’ve made other artisan breads for years, but sourdough requires more pause. It requires attentiveness to […]
Tag: adult ADHD
Internet of ADHD weekly roundup: April 19, 2020
The roundup is back! I stopped posting regular articles on the Facebook page for a little while because I figured we were all overloaded. Now I have my sea legs, more or less, and I’m gradually getting back to my regularly scheduled programming. Here are my shares for this week! This tweet from Angsting-ADHD on […]
Did ADHD help our family prepare for COVID-19?
In my last post I talked about the perception of ADHDers as naturally good in a crisis. Some people in the community seem to believe this COVID-19 pandemic will be our moment of glory. This belief is misguided — or at least short-sighted. Some of us can and will contribute in ways that draw upon […]