Following my post about tackling those pesky lingering items on your to-do list, a reader wrote to me with a question about laundry. I don’t struggle to actually put it in the washer and dryer, but when it comes to putting it away I’m stuck. I currently have three baskets of clothes in my bedroom […]
Why tasks linger on your to-do list (and how to check them off)
I hate when I let a simple task languish on my to-do list for months, or even years. Yet I’ve done it more times than I can count. These tasks usually aren’t life-and-death important. Others might tell me not to worry about it. I think that’s why it bothers me so much. My failure to […]
The ADHD marriage: using secret signals for bad behavior
Sometimes — maybe even most times — ADHDers don’t realize we’re making a scene until it’s too late. This can humiliate and infuriate our spouses, especially at social functions. Other couples look like the perfect team, sending and receiving signals on their own frequency. They save each other from discomfort rather than tossing each other […]