This is just delightful. Black Girl, Lost Keys. and ADHD Alien are two of my favorite people on the ADHD internet.
Here’s a sneak peek at the BGLK Alien! Isn’t she adorable??
How do you collaborate to boost diversity in our #neurodiversesquad?
— René Brooks | Black Girl, Lost Keys (@blkgirllostkeys) June 9, 2020
Why difficult conversations are worse for people with ADHD
This post received audio narration on Wednesday. It felt timely to take a fresh look at it, and I ended up feeling like there was a lot missing. In this post, as in a lot of what I write, I assume everyone is acting in good faith.
People are not always acting in good faith. The same things that can make people with ADHD more like to hurt others (even if it’s unintentional) also make us more vulnerable to abuse and manipulation.
That’s the post I’m working on writing now: the same big-picture points as I discuss here, but from a different angle. More focused on how our ADHD can make us vulnerable and how we can protect and care for ourselves.
Pictures do make a difference! Closet Decluttering Process Photos | A Slob Comes Clean
I’ve shared about this before. I’m going to share about it again because I forgot to take a before picture last week and it really ground my gears. My kiddo and I made a whole plan for improving our porch, including decluttering, cleaning, and getting a new indoor/outdoor rug. It looks really nice, for a simple front porch. I just wish we’d taken before-and-after photos so I could share them and get a proper perspective on how much progress we made.

The Late ADHD Diagnosis of An American Girl | ADHD Roller Coaster with Gina Pera
A reader recently emailed me about this post I contributed to Gina’s blog in 2014. They wanted to know if I had more report cards to share! Well, if that isn’t a rabbit hole. I shared two report card excerpts in this post, but I have all my report cards, IEP meeting notes, and more from my entire grade school career. I’d wanted to publish a post about ADHD and gender next week. This feels like an excellent companion to that, and I may put off my planned post to share more of those revealing report card comments 😉
Teaching Children with ADHD about Consequences | Healthy ADHD
It’s been a while since I wrote about parenting and discipline. I’m probably due to revisit it. Liz’s story here has a lot of good points. Those of us who tend to be ADHD hotheads can have a tough time with discipline — and we were often raised by parents who struggled in the same way. I see a lot of my kiddo in this story too: he loves people but often speaks and acts before thinking about how his words will affect the other person. If I’m being honest, I still make those missteps as an adult. A couple weeks ago I asked him if he’d hang out and read with me and he replied, “Oh noooo, definitely not.” I didn’t even get my whole reply out before he interrupted and said, “Oooh, sorry. I mean, maybe later?” Perhaps there’s hope for all of us 😂

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