Internet of ADHD Weekly Roundup

Internet of ADHD Weekly roundup: January 3, 2020

I spent last fall pondering different ways to archive my Facebook shares on my own site. Finally I decided to keep it simple and put them into a weekly link roundup. I’ll continue to share on Facebook but from now on you can find all that content here as well. Enjoy!

“My intense emotions make it hard to be myself around others.” | ADHD Alien

I’m sure many ADHDers will find themselves in this comic.

How to create a morning routine that actually works. | The ADHD Homestead

Anyone else getting back into the normal school-and-work-day routine for the first time in almost two weeks? 🙃🤪😱

10 minute exercise works! Surprising benefits you need to know | Living Well Spending Less

For everyone making New Years resolutions to get more exercise in 2020: keep it realistic (i.e. attainable).

Most of us simply will not motivate ourselves to work out for at least 30 minutes, three times a week, every week.

My daily exercise goal is one yoga pose. ONE. This gets me on my mat, though, and I often turn it into a quick ten-minute practice. Sometimes I make time for a longer (30-minute) session. Other days I go for an hourlong jog with my friend across the street.

But my only hard-and-fast goal is to really commit to that one pose every day.

If you only have 10 minutes, that’s fine! According to this article, it’s more than fine. You’re still reaping major health and cognitive benefits.

Grasping the Container Concept when decluttering!!! (And how it doesn’t mean getting more containers) | A Slob Comes Clean

I love this post, first because it’s spot-on and second because I too love getting reader emails.

The right organizing system — or another pretty bin/basket — isn’t always the answer. Sometimes we already *have* a designated space for something but that space is full of stuff we don’t use.

Our board game collection is a perfect example. We have so many games they don’t all fit in the two areas we have designated for them. I’ve hesitated to get rid of any because I WANT to play them all. Or at least I want to want to, or I want others to want to. But if I’m the only one who likes a game and no one ever agrees to play it with me, why am I letting it stuff our game closet to overflowing?

We don’t need another solution to store all the games. We need to thin them out and only keep the ones we actually play and enjoy.

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