Replying to email threads when I’m not the expert, have nothing to add, and/or should’ve let someone else reply instead Reading LiveJournal posts I wrote as a college freshman Crafting a detailed rebuttal to someone’s post on Facebook, then deleting it because I “shouldn’t be wasting my time on this” Scrolling through my sister’s Instagram […]
Category: Time Management
Product highlight: David Seah’s productivity tools
Do you struggle with traditional to-do lists? We recently stumbled upon some innovative (and free!) task management tools courtesy of designer David Seah. If the standard approach to daily to-do lists doesn’t work for you, you need to check these out. Seah has refined his collection of goal-setting, list-making, and time-tracking tools to support his […]
Time blindness & ADHD
Are you (or someone you love) always late? I don’t just mean running 10 minutes late for a meeting, I mean persistently late. For everything. Late getting out of bed. Late getting into bed (sometimes to the point of never getting into bed). Late sitting down for dinner with your family. Late leaving the office, putting down the video game […]