Minimalism Organizing Time Management

Ditching video games: more than making time & space

Around the turn of the new year, something amazing happened in our house: we got rid of most of our video games. This means less clutter, and I’m excited about the benefits for our family’s energy and willpower. Mind you, no one really played these games, but my husband wished he could play them. I call this […]

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Task Management Time Management

How (and why) to tame your hyperfocus

People with ADHD can achieve almost superhuman levels of focus (referred to as hyperfocus) in some situations, yet none at all in others.  That’s because ADHD isn’t an attention deficit, but a broken attention regulation system. Hyperfocus is our secret superpower. Often, it’s also our undoing. Capable of an amazing state of flow, we’re unstoppable, and […]

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Planning & Goal-Setting Task Management Time Management uncategorized

Stop waiting for a good time to fix it

I’ve been looking forward to preschool. First and foremost, I feel compelled to point out, because R. will love it. He’s smart and extroverted and he recently asked me to read Maisy Goes to Preschool four times in a row. I’ve also been counting the days for my own sake. I feel totally scattered, behind […]

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