Labels — we all use them sometimes, even though most of us know we shouldn’t. Parenting has taught me to use labels intentionally and sparingly. My favorite books caution against labels, both in the positive (“you’re such a good girl”) and the negative (“you’re a troublemaker”). Labels tell us how we fit in. The labels we […]
Tag: Vicki Hoefle

Of course behavior therapy helps kids with ADHD…for now.
When I see ADHD trending on social media, I perk up my ears. Today, it’s the release of new study results supporting behavior therapy as a first-line treatment for children with ADHD. This raises important questions. It also fans the flames of controversy among those opposed to medicating ADHD in children. I see this study as an […]

The secret to peaceful ADHD parenting: just shut up
The toughest, most persistent challenge in my parenting life might surprise you: it’s shutting my mouth. If you don’t get what I’m saying, you may have found your own biggest challenge, too. As parents, the most important thing you can do for your kids is spend more time with your mouth shut. If you don’t […]