We ADHDers can have a lot of sensory sensitivities. They vary from person to person and can include just about anything, from itchy tags to the wrong color light bulbs. My husband dislikes hot food when it’s hot outside, making summer meal planning kind of a challenge. The thing is, ADHD sensory issues are more […]
Tag: sensory issues

How transitions & sensory stimuli create anxiety for kids with ADHD & ASD
This is a guest post from Jenny Wise of Special Home Educator. The topics she addresses here cover one area of frequent overlap between children with autism and ADHD. I hope you find it enlightening! Even a simple daily activity like boarding the school bus can be intensely upsetting for a child with ADHD or autism. […]

Use a sensory bedroom to give children with ADHD a personal oasis.
This is a guest post from Jenny Wise of Special Home Educator. Thanks, Jenny, for addressing a topic near and dear to my heart (and brain)! Many children (and adults) with ADHD experience issues with sensory processing. This can manifest in over- or under-sensitivity to sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and touch. The term “sensory processing […]