Editor’s note: a previous version of this post appeared on April 2, 2015. At various points in my adult life, people have told me I can’t have ADHD. I’m too smart. Too organized. I’ll set aside the insidious myth about ADHD and intelligence for another day. However, the upshot is, someone can appear “smart” and […]
Tag: primarily inattentive-type ADHD

ADHD then and now: notes from my teenage self
People sometimes tell me I can’t have ADHD because I’m too smart and organized. I insist I’m only as organized as I need to be to maintain a base level of sanity, not to mention cleanliness and financial security. It just so happens I need to create a lot of intentional, concrete systems to keep the […]

“It’s different for girls:” My ADHD story
As I reached out for support, my friends and family struggled to sympathize. After all, I looked smart and successful—from the outside. My friends assured me I was either expecting too much of myself or making excuses for not bringing my behavior in line with that of other adults. My occasional verbal outbursts just meant […]