Use the player above to listen to the text of this post. To receive expanded versions of new audio posts and other bonus content in your favorite podcast app, become a supporter of The ADHD Homestead on Patreon. Editor’s note: this post was updated to include audio narration on June 10, 2020. Difficult conversations — and by that […]
Tag: conflicts

Firm and kind: A challenge for ADHD families.
I think I speak for most ADHD-affected households when I say, sometimes we don’t bring out the best in each other. In his book Healing ADD From the Inside Out, Dr. Daniel Amen makes a list of games people with ADHD love to play. One of them is, “I bet I can get you to hit me or yell at me.” Sound […]

Keep your foot out of your mouth at Christmas dinner
I’ve recently taken up knitting again, and not because I’m a naturally crafty person. Knitting helps me keep my mouth shut. With three family Christmas dinners coming up, the timing is right. My heart sinks every time I describe myself as quiet to a new (or new-ish) friend and she responds with, “what? You?” I can’t […]