Sometimes — maybe even most times — ADHDers don’t realize we’re making a scene until it’s too late. This can humiliate and infuriate our spouses, especially at social functions. Other couples look like the perfect team, sending and receiving signals on their own frequency. They save each other from discomfort rather than tossing each other […]
Tag: communication

Boundaries in the ADHD home
Boundaries in our home are simple — they may even seem trivial — but they’re mighty. They’re the key to domestic peace (or ceasefire, if that’s where you are on your journey). ADHD adults living under the same roof need to learn, create, and respect boundaries. The ADHD interruption paradox We ADHDers struggle with interruptions. Interrupting shows up […]

Book Review: The Insider’s Guide to ADHD
Full disclosure: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. The Insider’s Guide to ADHD presents a unique perspective on parenting young ADHD’ers. Through a survey of 95 ADHD adults, author Penny Williams shares dos and don’ts from those who should know best. I expected Insider’s Guide to read like a collective […]