Task Management

How to remember the little stuff, when and where you need to remember it

To survive everyday life with adult ADHD, I need a system for everything. My brain remembers next to nothing on its own. Trying to think through a multi-step process is super overwhelming unless I write everything down. Basically, I can’t wing it. I need tools and supports, even for things most people seem to do […]

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Task Management

How to regain focus when you’re stuck on a big project (Project Engineering Series, Part 2)

If you have ADHD, you’ve probably gotten overwhelmed with a big project before. And someone’s probably offered you the advice, “just break it down into manageable pieces.” Life skills like this seem to come naturally to most neurotypical folks. It may sound like common sense to us ADHDers too, but the minute we attempt it […]

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Social Relationships

ADHD makes 2020’s holiday expectations and boundaries even harder

Selfish. ADHDers get called selfish a lot. It often starts in childhood, with our parents, and goes on from there. I’m interrupting my post schedule to talk about this because Christmas is in a few days and friends, many of us have had a rough go. Nearly every adult I’ve spoken to lately has told […]

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