Chore Schedule Template (Printable)


Organize responsibilities by day of the week! Here at The ADHD Homestead we slip the chore schedule into a clear plastic sheet protector and write on it with a dry erase marker — that way we save paper and only have to print one copy! This document contains three pages: two with varying amounts of checkboxes and one with no checkboxes.

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Organize responsibilities by day of the week! Here at The ADHD Homestead we slip the chore schedule into a clear plastic sheet protector and write on it with a dry erase marker — that way we save paper and only have to print one copy! This document contains three pages: two with varying amounts of checkboxes and one with no checkboxes.

We prefer this to a traditional chore chart because it’s super flexible and works for all ages. The chore schedule can be used by adults to spread out chores and give reminders on things that need to be done on a specific day (e.g. taking out the trash) or to help kids develop responsibility and self-sufficiency.

P.S.: We ADHD parents can totally forget what we asked the kids to do before they earn privileges! Around here, we meet the question “can I play video games now?” with “let’s take a look at your chore schedule.”

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