It’s so easy to nag, demand, berate, or give up on our ADHD loved ones. I mean, really, how hard is it to… get home from work on time? stay sitting at the table for dinner? stop picking fights? keep track of your keys? take out the trash? Before I go on, let me tell […]
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Sometimes, it pays to pay
Has an area of your home or yard gotten out of control? Do you need a breath of relief? Sometimes, it pays to pay. Pay someone to get you back on your feet, that is. When a few loose ends become a lot of trouble A friend once told me about a job he took over winter break […]
ADHD then and now: notes from my teenage self
People sometimes tell me I can’t have ADHD because I’m too smart and organized. I insist I’m only as organized as I need to be to maintain a base level of sanity, not to mention cleanliness and financial security. It just so happens I need to create a lot of intentional, concrete systems to keep the […]