This was a light week, mostly because I was sharing a bunch of stuff about my event on Wednesday. When I wasn’t sharing about it, I was prepping for it! Hope you’re doing well and looking forward to a restorative weekend.

2 sides of ADHD | ADHD Alien
The points I relate to most in these comics also seem like the most unexpected: things many of us have identified with all our lives but may not have connected to ADHD. Like the way I can obsess over the decision to purchase something minor, like a pack of new underwear, but once I let the floodgates open, I sometimes spend compulsively. Or my inability to recall basic facts on demand, even in subjects where I have some expertise. Or that vague, slippery sense of dissatisfaction or disconnection when I know I should feel really into what’s happening around me.
Order from Chaos reading and Q&A hosted by The Ivy Bookshop
I had a really nice time at this event and am so grateful to The Ivy Bookshop for hosting. If you missed it, you can watch a recorded version here. If you haven’t gotten a copy of the book yet, show The Ivy some support by ordering it from them if you can.
During the Q&A I recommended a couple books. This morning I decided to share an annotated picture of my reference shelf:

Sensory issues with food in the summertime
We ADHDers can have a lot of sensory sensitivities. They vary from person to person and can include just about anything, from itchy tags to the wrong color light bulbs. My husband dislikes hot food when it’s hot outside, making summer meal planning kind of a challenge.
Meanwhile, I need hot dinners to stay sane. Without cooked food I get really cranky, really fast. I often like my food so hot, others won’t even touch it. Maybe that’s my sensory sensitivity.
A meal planning compromise exists, but I’ve had to search for it. Given the hot start we’ve had to summer around here, I thought it a good time to share what we’ve learned.
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