Planning & Goal-Setting Task Management Time Management uncategorized

Stop waiting for a good time to fix it

I’ve been looking forward to preschool. First and foremost, I feel compelled to point out, because R. will love it. He’s smart and extroverted and he recently asked me to read Maisy Goes to Preschool four times in a row. I’ve also been counting the days for my own sake. I feel totally scattered, behind […]

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Time Management uncategorized

19 ways I waste time on the internet

Replying to email threads when I’m not the expert, have nothing to add, and/or should’ve let someone else reply instead Reading LiveJournal posts I wrote as a college freshman Crafting a detailed rebuttal to someone’s post on Facebook, then deleting it because I “shouldn’t be wasting my time on this” Scrolling through my sister’s Instagram […]

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