The clothes were everywhere. Despite my best efforts — which included, interchangably, nagging, reminding, insisting, or just cleaning them up myself — my husband managed to keep several surfaces in our bedroom covered with clothes. The top of his dresser was the worst: always concealed under a heap of shirts, jeans, and hoodies. “But I’m going […]
Category: Organizing
7 ADHD-friendly purchases we actually use
We’re two ADHD adults with an Amazon Prime subscription. I don’t have to tell you how challenging it can be to reign in impulse purchases. That said, among the duds we’ve made some indispensable ADHD-friendly purchases over the years. Every individual and every household has different needs, so your list may look different. I’d love […]
#LWSLClutterFree: final reflections on a month of decluttering
Well, that’s a wrap, on October and on the #LWSLClutterFree 31-day challenge. My conclusion: #LWSLClutterFree’s goals may be attainable for the average person or household. Ours is not the average household. We’re the kind of home where we can make a mess of a room one day, shut the door in utter overwhelm the next, then pretend the […]