During an emotional meltdown, part of us really does disappear. My two-year-old gave me a powerful reminder of this while we were staying with friends for the weekend. R — exhausted from days of fun and social interaction — totally lost it getting ready for nap. We were in full meltdown mode. I just sat in the middle of […]
Category: Marriage & Partner Relationships
Use a signal for bad ADHD behavior…and don’t forget to laugh.
Sometimes — maybe even most times — we don’t realize we’re making a scene until it’s too late. Many ADHD adults are plagued by emotional reactivity, impulsive outbursts, and overreactions. Dr. Michele Novotni, author of What does everybody else know that I don’t?: Social skills help for adults with ADHD, describes this behavior as “ready, fire, […]
Don’t give up on me — or your sanity.
“I feel like you’ve given up on me,” my husband said. The conversation about his work schedule had bubbled to the surface again. His erratic hours. His worrisome sleep hygiene. Stagnating projects around the house. “I didn’t give up,” I rushed to clarify, “I just adjusted my expectations.” It sounds like splitting hairs, but it’s not. […]