
My monthly e-news is up and running!

This weekend, I sent out the first edition of The ADHD Homestead‘s monthly e-newsletter. I’m really pleased to make this fun, simple communication tool available to those of you who prefer an occasional email over checking this site for new posts.

Click on the preview below to see August’s e-news, subscribe to the mailing list, and share with a friend. Or you can just use the mailing list sign-up form in this page’s sidebar.

A note about the mailing list: when you sign up, it’s for a monthly digest of top content. That’s it. I promise never to share your information with others or clutter your inbox with too much fluff.

ADHD homestead e-news

Hey there! Are you enjoying The ADHD Homestead?

Here's the thing: I don't like ads. I don't want to sell your attention to an advertising service run by the world's biggest data mining company. I also value my integrity and my readers' trust above all, which means I accept very few sponsorships/partnerships.

So I'm asking for your support directly. For the cost of one cup of coffee, you can help keep this site unbiased and ad-free.

Below you will find two buttons. The first lets you join our crew of Patreon pals and pledge monthly support for my work. Patrons also have access to my Audioblogs podcast. The second takes you to a simple donation page to pledge one-time or recurring support for The ADHD Homestead, no frills, no strings. Do whichever feels best for you!

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