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2015’s Top Five

I feel good about 2015. It’s been a year of learning to pace myself, of actually finishing a few projects, of falling off the wagon and getting back on again. For this ADHD household, I call it a success.

What do you hope to accomplish in 2016?

As we turn the page, I’m hoping for more teamwork, less clutter, and a fresh coat of paint in every room. I’m hoping to help my husband troubleshoot a few habits and goals, not just focusing inward on my own work and well-being.

I’m also hoping for more great connections like the ones I made in 2015. This blog has helped me reach thousands of people. I have a lot of ideas for 2016, and I owe you all a few book reviews (they’re going to be good ones!).

If you have a question or conundrum weighing on your mind, please share in the comments or via the suggestion box. Chances are you’re not alone and I’ll put it in my queue of future post topics!

In the meantime, here are your favorite posts from 2015:

The only early childhood activity worth my money

music together graphic

Fired for my ADHD: have you been wrongfully terminated?

fired for ADHD Falling through the cracks: one ADHD girl’s story

The Time Timer can help combat ADHD's "time blindness"

Use a signal for bad ADHD behavior…and don’t forget to laugh.

natalie portman ear pull gif

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